Alcohol and Lockdown
Annie Walker Annie Walker

Alcohol and Lockdown

As you can imagine there has been an increase in the consumption of alcohol since the pandemic started in 2020 and even though the lockdowns in Australia have been very few and short now, drinking has become somewhat of a habit now for many.

Habits do not take long to form!

A survey conducted by the Australian Drug and Alcohol Foundation found that 12% of Australians started consuming alcohol on a daily basis at the beginning of the pandemic. Even Australians who didn’t drink regularly, took up the habit.

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How to Improve Relationships with the Power of Hypnosis
Annie Walker Annie Walker

How to Improve Relationships with the Power of Hypnosis

The coronavirus outbreak has led to big changes in the way we live our everyday lives.

Our relationships are hugely important to us just at a time when they are being placed under the most intense pressure.

Relationships are not built on the expectation that you'll be spending all day, every day with that person. If you’re both working from home, with nowhere to go in the evenings, there’s a chance you may experience some friction.

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Re-Light Your Entrepreneur Fire With The Power Of Hypnosis
Annie Walker Annie Walker

Re-Light Your Entrepreneur Fire With The Power Of Hypnosis

The current climate has without a doubt changed business’s and the economy and many companies are now having to adapt to the new realities, and find ways to deliver their services in completely new ways.

All businesses are having to re-evaluate, and find innovative ways to survive, and look to come out in a stronger position in the market place

Without doubt having the right mindset and focus is now more important than ever to find a way through the dark days.

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Chaos and how to cope
Annie Walker Annie Walker

Chaos and how to cope

Managing Uncertainty in Uncertain Times

The world is in the grip of a global pandemic.

We are living in extremely uncertain times - and that uncertainty can be difficult to cope with.

You may feel worried right now.

You may struggle to keep anxious thoughts in check.

And you may feel unsure about the future.

But help is at hand - you CAN learn to live with uncertainty.

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Virtual Gastric Band
Annie Walker Annie Walker

Virtual Gastric Band

For many people, dieting and exercising alone aren’t enough to keep the weight off

… so they seek further ways to control their size.

At this point, the need for hypnotherapy intervention and a virtual gastric band that can help people lose weight by altering their state of mind, with no physiological impact, is a technique that more people should be aware of in order to take the first steps towards gaining the ideal body shape.

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How Hypnotherapy can help you make better nutritional choices
Annie Walker Annie Walker

How Hypnotherapy can help you make better nutritional choices

Having a healthy body comes down to eating the right foods and staying active, whatever your age or gender.

Worryingly, according to a 2017-18 Australian Bureau of Statistics National Health Survey:

• 67% of adults were overweight or obese.

That is two thirds (67.0%) of Australian adults being overweight or obese (12.5 million people), an increase from 63.4% in 2014-15.

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PTSD Today
Annie Walker Annie Walker

PTSD Today

Here’s a thought-provoking statistic…

 7 out of every 100 people will experience …

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder at some point in their lives …

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