Other issues

Listed here are just some of our hypnotherapy services. If you are looking for something not mentioned please don’t hesitate to contact us – there are too many possibilities to list in terms of how hypnotherapy can benefit and you may be pleasantly surprised to find out how we can help.

Phobias and Fears


A phobia is a persistent, intense and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels you to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it is not dangerous.

Common phobias and fears include:

  • Public Speaking - This phobia is more common than the fear of heights. On special occasions such as weddings you may want to give a speech for your family and friends. Having a fear of speaking in front of people can lead to anxiety, body shakes and sweats. Hypnosis can assist alleviate the phobia and reduce the fear so you can relax and enjoy the day.

  • Animal phobias - Some examples of animal phobia can include a fear of snakes, spiders, rodents and dogs. How do you get rid of animal phobias? The answer could be hypnosis. Annie will teach you how to let go of the phobia and reduce the fear associated. Click here to book a free consultation with Annie.

  • Fear of heights - Can you cure the fear of heights? The fear of heights is a natural protective state within the mind. Hypnosis can assist you with this fear as well as other fears such as fear of storms, fear of water and fear of the dark.

  • Situational phobias (fears triggered by a specific situation). Examples include fear of enclosed spaces (claustrophobia), fear of flying, fear of driving, fear of tunnels, and fear of bridges.

  • Needle Phobia -  With Covid 19 many people have had fears arise around needles. Whether you are and adult or a child hypnosis can assist with the fear of needles. The fear of needles is known as trypanophobia. What causes needle phobias? - Potential reasons for fear of needles can include general anxiety, having a sensitive nature and previous trauma or bad experiences.

  • Agoraphobia. - What is Agoraphobia? It is the fear of open spaces, fear of having a panic attack and become anxious about being in situations where escape would be difficult or embarrassing or where help wouldn’t be immediately available.

People can develop phobias about virtually anything and most phobias develop in childhood, however they can also develop in adults. Other phobias include fear of choking, fear of getting a disease such as cancer and a fear of clowns.

Difference between Fear and Phobias:

Normal Fear Phobia
Feeling anxious when flying through turbulence or taking off during a storm Not going to your best friend’s island wedding because you’d have to fly there
Experiencing butterflies when peering down from the top of a skyscraper or climbing a tall ladder Turning down a great job because it’s on the 10th floor of the office building
Getting nervous when you see a pit bull or a Rottweiler Steering clear of the park because you might see a dog
Feeling a little queasy when getting a shot or when your blood is being drawn Avoiding necessary medical treatments or doctor’s check-ups because you’re terrified of needles

Grief and Loss


Grief is our response to loss. It is the normal, natural and an inevitable response to loss, and it can affect every part of our life, but it is varied and different for each individual.

We may experience intense feelings such as emptiness, sadness, anger, anxiety, disbelief, panic, relief or even numbness.  It can also affect our thinking, so that we may think we will never get over this, or we may think we are going crazy.  We may think that this is all too hard and wish we were with the person who has died which doesn’t usually mean that we will take active steps to end life, but can simply be an expression of our pain and sadness.  Sometimes grief can cause difficulty in sleeping and can lead to physical symptoms.

Since you are reading this you are ready to take the next step towards overcoming this debilitating feeling of loss.  This doesn’t mean you forget your loved one, far from it. It means that you can learn to live without them physically being there however still feel connected and have a meaningful and happy life.  Do you feel your loved one would want you to be unhappy?

From personal experience I know how debilitating grief can be and by using hypnosis I would consider it an honor to assist you to feel better and look forward to the next chapter in your life.

Insomnia/Sleep Problems

Most people have experienced insomnia symptoms at some time in their lives. At any given time around 10% of people have at least mild insomnia.

Older people with poor health have a higher risk.  It is more prominent with women compared to men. This may be related to higher rates of anxiety and depression which can be associated with insomnia. Shift workers have a higher risk too.

Insomnia has many causes which can include:

  • Some medicines and drugs, eg;  asthma or blood pressure medication, caffeine, alcohol or smoking

  • Chronic pain and other uncomfortable illnesses

  • Stress at work or in your personal life

  • Depression

  • A friend or loved one passing away

  • Anxiety and worrying, including worrying about not getting enough sleep

  • Body clock is out of sync

  • Another sleep problem

With hypnotherapy, hypnosis and NLP I can assist you to resolve the problems creating insomnia to allow you to sleep soundly, just like a baby. You know the old saying “You always feel better after a good night sleep”.

Insomnia in a nutshell is the inability to sleep.  It is said to be present when you regularly find it hard to fall asleep or stay asleep. It has several patterns. You may have trouble getting to sleep initially or even if you can fall asleep, you might not be able to stay asleep for as long as you would like. Also, you may wake up during the night and not be able to go back to sleep for a long time. Many people have two of the above problems or even all three. Because of these, you might feel tired during the day.

 Nail biting/Picking


Some people fall into the habit of chewing their nails as children, and some people find they've started doing this when they've been under a lot of strain and stress. It's comforting and soothing to do - but not nice, and not kind to hands.

But it's not always easy to stop the behaviour on your own.

Hypnotherapy can help! You will learn how to interrupt the pattern before it can even get started, and how to initiate a completely different emotional response in yourself whenever you are in a situation where this pattern used to run automatically.

Before long you will have much nicer nails, nails that you are proud to show off!



Being generally socially acceptable, drinking alcohol has an easy way in to our lives. Like everything else in life, it is neither 'good' nor 'bad' in itself. But the way we treat it over time can lead to it taking over our lives in a way that is unquestionably 'bad'. And not easy to escape from.

Many people recognise that their drinking sometimes interferes with their lives in negative ways such as:  procrastination, stress, anxiety, weight gain, low self-esteem and depression. It can also have a major impact on relationships.

I believe that alcohol is the symptom, not the cause, of over drinking and that the desire to drink more than we would like to is an emotional habit.  An emotional habit that can be unlearnt!

Hypnosis can help free you from compulsive drinking and manage your life without having to rely on alcohol.  I can help you generate good feelings, good experiences without the need for stimulants and to be able to live free of alcohol and/or drink less alcohol by embedding and integrating new behaviour patterns and understandings as the ‘default’ template for your life.

What are you waiting for… take back control and book in for a consultation!

Pain Relief


Pain is a terrible feeling, and chronic long-lasting pain is even worse!  Living with it day in and day out can be so debilitating and depressing.

Acute or new pain serves an important and useful function.  It warns you that damage is being done to your body.  When, however pain becomes chronic and continues long after it has done its job of giving you a warning, and long after the physical problem has been medically treated, it is no longer needed as a warning!

Some slight discomfort may be needed as a reminder not to overdo things or strain, but the pain is no longer needed at the same degree of intensity or strength. The pain can still remain as a reminder and be less intense and less uncomfortable. This is where hypnosis comes in!

It’s important to remember that the body produces pain as a warning and you must first see your Doctor first prior to having any hypnotherapy treatment and their written approval must be provided.

So, what can hypnosis do for you? With hypnosis you gain more control over the pain and gain more comfort.  Hypnosis can alleviate the sensory and/or affective components of a pain experience, which may be all that is required for acute pain. Chronic conditions, however, may require a comprehensive plan that targets various aspects besides the pain experience.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome


You may be reading this and are at your wits end about the problem and wondering how you can ever be free of it… until now!

IBS affects between 10 and 15 percent of people at some point in their lives. Its exact causes are unclear, but it can be triggered or exacerbated by long periods of stress. The pain and discomfort it causes can seriously interfere with quality of life. 

Hypnosis is a proven way to reduce stress and encourage healing by reducing stress levels and calming down your digestive system so it returns to its natural, healthy function. 

Using hypnosis, you can start living life feeling more relaxed, healthier and happier.  What are you waiting for… call now!

 Listed here are just some of our hypnotherapy services. If you are looking for something not mentioned please don’t hesitate to contact us – there are too many possibilities to list in terms of how hypnotherapy can benefit and you may be pleasantly surprised to find out how we can help.

How do I get started?

We offer a FREE 30 minute discovery consultation so we can discuss your challenges and then recommend the right solution for you. We then develop a tailored program so you can live the life you want. To book a consultation click the button below and you will be directed to our online booking system OR if you prefer you can just call us on 0448 210 910 to book in.


Please note that prices, solutions and what’s involved are only provided at the completion of your consultation.

If you have any further questions please email me at annie@bathursthypnotherapy.com